I was invited to participate in the Bracknell' s Classic Car Show held on 28th June 2008, the benefiting charity, on this occa
sion, being Sebastian's Action Trust.
It is a registered charity whose primary goal is to build a holiday home that can be used by childr
en battling with very serious illness, giving them an opportunity to spend precious time with family and loved ones in a purpose built facility that can cater for their needs,

It is a registered charity whose primary goal is to build a holiday home that can be used by childr

but away from the rigours of punishing treatment regimens and hospital life.
The charity is also passionately involved in pproviding practical support through a range of measures designed to assist not

only the sick child but also their siblings , parents and carers. They also run a bereavement support network for the families whose children sadly do not survive treatment.
My thanks to Stuart, a Classic car enthusiast, and a visitor to the event, who took these rather unusual but very interesting views of Penny and very kindly sent them on to me.
