The Amberley Vintage Car Shows are not to be missed. They are held in the beautiful 36 acre grounds of the Amberley Working Museum a short distance from Arundel. Some three hundred pre-1956 cc
cars mass here travelling long distances to
pport these events held April, July and Ocober. It has also become a social event for the drivers. You have the opportunity
to see the various sections of the m
useum such as the Print Shop, the Wheelwright, the Blacksmith and the Foundary with man at work. You can have a ride on the 1920 Leyland bus. You will also see a Barbouilleur Locomotive knocking around.
There is an excellent Restaurant with a licensed bar.
The Lime Burner Restaurant
The Museum's Resident Broom Maker
The Old Fire Station

Wood Turner at Work
The Cycle Shop
The Autojumble, of course
The Museum's Walking Stick Maker
This 1920 Leyland open top bus is just one of the Southdown stable.