I was invited to participate in the All Party Classic Car Run on 22nd April 2006 from The Palace of Westminster to Buckingham Palace to celebrate HM The Queen's 80th Birthday.

Although they could not provide me with anything, at least they gave me some idea of what I should be looking for.

To bolster my confidence I thought I would try the Internet to view any images of Triumph Roadsters with their drivers.

Not very helpful, but in the process I stumbled on a site with eight images of 1800's and one of a 2000,Triumph Roadsters which featured in films.

movies". I understood from the site that "pictures are property of movie companies owner of the respective movies".

"However I am assured by http://imcdb.org , on whose site the images were displayed, "For non-commercial use it should not cause any problem to use these pictures. And as for us , you can use them, yes. It is inded better to mention that the pics come from here."

featured in Meridian TV's Classic Car series, 1999 ( Brighton Run )